January 27, 2010


Lady friends with their bag-hats. Thank you guys for being my saucy models. Photo by Becca Jay.

January 25, 2010


I love seeing the various tools people use for their work. These are my main ones. Clockwise from top left corner:- Leather Hammer: For flattening seams and smoothing bulk.
- Gingher stainless steal scissors: For fabric and leather cutting.
- Pattern scissors: For cutting paper. I actually don't use these that much - they're too heavy - but they look so cool.
- Plastic curve: For making round lines on patterns.
- Lighter: For burning loose nylon thread ends.
- 12" Steel ruler.
- 12" Clear grid ruler.
- 18" Clear grid ruler.
- L-Square ruler.
- Steel yard stick.
- Tiny flathead: For changing needles.
- Mid flathead: For changing feet/other machine adjustments.
- X-acto knife with #23 blades.
- Pencil
- Seam ripper: Lots of seams are ripped out, often.
- Awl: For marking patterns.
- Needle nose pliers.
- Clips: This hold the bag together while sewing (can't do pins in leather cuz they make holes).
*** I forgot to show my most used tool, an Olaf rotary cutter. These rule!

January 19, 2010


Becca sent me this picture from some magazine because she knew I'd love the zipper glasses. I wrote back right away and said I Need Them. But then, there is the price: $365. Anyone who pays $365 for sunglasses is a total idiot, if you ask me. I am all for splurging on nice things occasionally or spending money on something that's a well-used staple. But sunglasses? For some reason pricey sunglasses really piss me off. It's excessive. If you have that much cash to drop on some shades, I hope you are sending some money along to Haiti or something too.

January 16, 2010


Angel's Camp Ladies - this one's for you all:
It's a target. And after seeing this video, I feel better about having it. Because now I'll think of it not as something questionable, but as a reminder of a rad band. DOA is sadly ironic title now, but it's still an epic song and I'm glad I've got a reminder of it...RIP Jay Reatard.

January 15, 2010

January 13, 2010


If you're gonna do it, you might as well go for it.

January 12, 2010

January 11, 2010


Damn.From Diane Pernet


Maya's metal clam purse. Coolest bag I've seen in a bit...

January 10, 2010


This is not Louis Vuitton over here. I really wish I had an expansive, sun-filled, organized studio with all the equipment needed and helpers for helping. Alas, this is a solo party. The funds and manpower are just not enough to do more than I do at present. Money is spent for necessities, not fancy stuff. Do I want a full set of radical-font embossing letters? Yes. Do I need it? No, don't buy it. I'm running out of the kinda scarce cutting blades that are my favorite but cost too much. Do I need them? Yes, it's a done deal, I already ordered more. Things come up all the time and I figure out a way. Fancy metal curves in various sizes are a pattern maker's best friend. I don't have them. And I don't really need them either. Look around, reach out, grab what's there, and make it work. Pattern making with plants. No metal curves here. Good words to go by:
*Make it work*

January 9, 2010


Arthur Lee, the black prince of psychadelic rock n roll. I've been listening to him all weekend.

January 5, 2010



I make crazy things like this sometimes. Yes, it's really true.