December 27, 2009


Dark sky, dark days. But a good day for an impromptu adventure. Marin is one of my favorite places and a visit there is always good medicine. On the road to Tomales Bay, I fall in love with many things. Oh, how I wish I had a tiny one-room store front.
Happy cows.We arrive at Hog Island to pick up some oysters.Oysters in the bath after coming in from the bay.Little Kumomotos are my favorite.Shucking gloves on the line, this is a DIY place.Then a stop at the Marshall Store for Oysters Rockefeller. These are oysters on the half-shell topped with creamed spinach, butter, cheese, parsely, and breadcrumbs, then broiled. Oysters Rockefeller are named after John D. Rockefeller because they are so incredibly rich, just like he was.
Olive bread and cheeses from the Cowgirl Creamery: Cypress Grove's Humbolt Fog goat cheese and some other one I already forget the name of that was amazing.I'm the bar captain. This is my most favorite design for a bar ever, just the bow of a boat cut off at the midsection and flipped upright.
Low tide.
Epic sunset breaking through the dark clouds.

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